Monday, September 17, 2012

College, Violin, and Other Stuff

So yesterday I went with a friend because she wanted to take photos of me. We went to Cora's for lunch, and I was super late because the bus schedule changed, and I have the old schedule, and the buses I was waiting for no longer exist in that time frame. I stood waiting for an hour. It was great. We took photos around the town square, and a little museum that neither of us knew existed, on a corner where there was a bench, and in a graveyard. Now we were very respectful while in the graveyard. She asked me to bring my violin along, so I did. I set the case on the grass, not on a tombstone, and I did not lean on any either, there were gates, and what not so I used those. As we were taking photos a group of people showed up, we had noticed garbage, and such on the ground, and even graffiti on a grave, we both wished we had a bag to put the garbage in. Along comes this group of people to hang out in a graveyard with food, and what not, fine, but not really cause they were sitting on top of a flat tombstone, and I know they were going to leave their garbage behind. We moved to the other side of the graveyard, took a few more photos, and then left. I am severely disgusted by people like that, no respect what-so-ever.
As I was leaving for lessons my roommate who also just bought a camera took a few photos of me as I was leaving for my violin lessons that night.
The day also involved several people asking me for directions, to the university which I don't really know how to get to, and a Liqour Store. I am really bad at giving directions, and taking directions though, so I hope everyone found the place that they were looking for.
Violin lessons felt very fast, and that makes me a little sad. I have learned the theme of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star though. I am going to work very hard. I love this instrument.
I should probably mention after finishing my Foundation Visual Arts last year I decided to go into Textile Design. I enjoy the classes a lot so far. There is an Photoshop, and Illustrator class though Photoshop isn't too hard, it is going to be Illustrator that is hard. A class about colours, and patterns. A class that is divided into sections: Weaving, Machine Knitting, and Dye Methods, and that will continue next semester too, and involve more fun stuff. I am in Weaving, and then Machine Knitting, and then Dye Methods. Setting up the loom was pretty crazy, and I messed up several times but it was pretty awesome. I also had to pick a drawing elective so I picked Watercolour.
My poor Wacom Bamboo Fun Pen no longer works so I inquired on how much a new pen would be, and it is the same price as a new tablet so I replaced it with the Bamboo Splash which is in the newest set of the Bamboo Family. It works a lot faster than my old one. My Bamboo Fun had a good life, and it probably would have been better if I didn't drop it on the floor so much. My Bamboo Fun was white which I was excited for at the time because I still had my little white net-book, but I am glad to have a black tablet now, and even the work space is a little bigger.

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Violin and Lessons

Ever since I was a child I have loved music.
In elementary school I was required to play the Recorder, and did that until middle school, and I loved it. I played the ukulele for a short time as well in middle school. When I entered high school I tried to play the trumpet, and the clarinet, both horrible decisions, and a failure.
I had been singing since I was in grade 2 with the choir, and joined my church choir when I was around 13. Later in high school after going through two or three music teachers I learned piano, and the basic theory I should have known (all be it 8 years in 2 weeks, and it was awesome).
I have actually been out of connection with anything taught for at least a year or two.
In recent my inspiration has been Lindsey Stirling (check out her YouTube here). I have also always loved the violin. I purchased mine second hand, as a birthday/college program graduation & GPA goal met present. I have waited all summer for lessons, and started last night. I am doing good so far, and it sounds like notes coming from my violin not screeching kittens. I slammed my right hand pinkie in between my lock, and something on the locker so holding the bow tonight was a little difficult. I am going to have to get used to the placement, and I am taking the more rewarding, and harder route of learning the fingerboard placement, so it I isn't marked. I am also going to have to get used to holding it better as well.
I am super excited to learn, and I am just getting started.

I still have to name my violin, but this is me, and my baby.