Last time I posted was probably in early February. It's March now. Also daylight savings has gone by.
I was really busy with three essays due two weeks ago, and work had me completely overwhelmed. It is okay now. I have an Macroeconomics assignment due Friday. I am going to skip the classes, and read the textbook instead, and go to tutorial, our professor teaches us nothing. I bombed that midterm. I also bombed the history midterm. I didn't do as good as I thought I did on the Japanese midterm. I hate labs for Commerce, they suck, the group never contacts me.
The Society of All Nations Banquet was the other night, and it was quite fun.
Spring is upon us. So is Easter weekend, and EXAMS! *panics* I really need to work hard.
I applied to be an RA for the Summer Japanese students. I would absolutely love to have that job. <3 I really love the Japanese students.
I participated in a Japanese Speech Contest the other day, and was shaking like a leaf. We only had a week to prepare, and I re-typed the essay twice. It was very nerve-wracking, but very good practice.
I don't know when I will remember to post again. See you around.
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