I have been floating around the forum Within Hubris, for the Bendrowned/Jadusable CreepyPasta. Speaking of CreepyPastas.... The Luna Game, with My Little Pony was terrifying. My roommate opened it, and came running to us. We watched the rest with her, and it was quite scary. I also played it the next day on my computer the entire way through. I love ponies. ♥
I now have a controller for my computer. ♥ The best part is it is like the old Super Nintendo controller, I could have gotten the even older one but it has less buttons. I love it.
I am very excited for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, which I attended the midnight screening regardless of the fact that I work at nine the next morning. I also own all the movies now which I got in a seven disc set for forty dollars which was an extremely lucky find at HMV. I am so sad that it is over, I remember reading those books about ten years ago though admitedly I never read the Half-Blood Prince, and the Deathly Hallows
I have reattached myself to Pokémon Black. I am trying to fill the Pokédex in order, and I currently cannot find the other two elemental monkeys. I keep running into the one I have, or Audinos. I did have some help with the rare Pokémon though. :D
I purchased the items for the strawberry shortcake my grandfather used to make all the time, and made some for my roommates. I love my Grandfather, I have so many memories of him from when I was a kid, we used to have so much fun. He is still alive, just in a nursing home.
Work was inventory, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Ours is annual, and we do it all together, I feel bad for the places that do it once a month, and it is only the store manager *cough*McDonald's*cough* I still cannot believe I don't work there anymore sometimes.
I've got to admit I am having some fun this summer. I do miss being a MASSIE Conversation Partner though, and just last summer in general.
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