Thursday, April 29, 2010


So exams are done. I would have posted sooner but my netbook was sent to Ontario for repairs. I knowingly failed Macroeconomics because I left most of the exam blank. I really did not like the professor or the teaching style. I have to go to the university because I can't register for courses, and I can't see my marks because I have an "outstanding payment", and I did pay off my account by the way. I am probably going to be put on academic probation next year. I compared the Bachelor of Arts Programme, and the Commerce Programme, and I like Commerce more so I am going to see if I can make the switch. I still want to minor in Japanese studies though. I also need Psychology which I am redoing, and Economics, which I am redoing with a different professor. I will probably redo Sociology eventually as well. I really want to do well. I also want to go to Japan, on the exchange program quite badly. I had applied for a second job with the university but I lost out due to seniority, even though I was perfect for the job, it was an Resident Assisant Job for the Japanese Students that stay for the summer. I do have a Japanese conversation partner for the summer though, and I am quite excited for that. I will post throughout the summer because I am still involved with the university in some way~ I will also post again when I find out my marks, and get this student account thing fixed.

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