Friday, July 2, 2010

Belated, But I am Back

Oh shoot, it's been a while. I haven't had time to do much with the Japanese students. I was working, and on vacation.
I was, and still am working very hard, I am a part-time worker with full-time hours.
I went on vacation with my boyfriend, and this is why I was away for ten days, I cannot believe I didn't mention this in my last entry. I have a boyfriend now. Shocker, and he isn't Asian, shocker number two. So yes, I met most of his family, very nice people. I have also been to places I have never been before, and met plenty of new people.
So my Japanese Conversation Partner gave me Hello Kitty things for my birthday; a plushie, band-aid's, two ruler cases made by her grandmother, two sticker sheets, and a notebook. <3 We finally got to talk one night last week.
I am finally 19, but I have to wait to get my Photo ID because I have no birth certificate, it's on the way though.
Not much else is going on in my life at the moment though.

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