Sunday, August 1, 2010

Still Not Much Going On

Once again I have taken a long time to post here.
I have been mostly working, and on/off sick. It is annoying.
I did cook Tempura with my Japanese conversation partner. We used onions, carrots, avacado, potato, mushroom, and hot dogs. The hot dogs were really good. We also went to Tim Horton's the next time. I forgot about the river rafting trip so I didn't get to go. :( I also don't get to go to the Japanese Festival because I am going away again! Damn I fail I also miss their grad banquet.
School is almost back in session, and I am kind of scared. I will not be staying at Mount Allison for a 3rd year, and I am looking into other places for plans, and shall be working on that throughout the school year.

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