Sunday, September 11, 2011

Back Into the Swing of Things

So I am back into full swing of school life, and I am loving it. We aren't going to have a lot of huge tests or anything, just smaller ones which is great. (I fail hardcore at tests) We also write essays occasionally which I may have gotten better at we just have to see what the teacher says. I could never write an essay, and it was never at, or pass the maximum word count, and now I can do it.
I plan on mastering Gouache, and painting more. We are also going to learn a bit of watercolour as well. I love paint, I just need to be re-taught. Getting the gouache opaque can be challenging because each colour mixes differently. We are only allowed to work with cyan, magenta, yellow, white, and black; any other colours that we want we have to mix to get them.
I had the last few Saturdays off which is unusual but now I am working them again because we lost an employee, but we do finally have an assistant manager. I love working Sunday's it is the best day of the week to work, and it is with the best people.

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