Saturday, December 19, 2009

O(≧∇≦)O Exams C'est Tout Fini!

Done exams. It is so nice to not have to worry about any assignments over Christmas break.
The Sociology exam was three hundred multiple choice, and it took me two hours, and a half to finish. It really bothered my head. @.@
After the Professor asked me if I was friends or related to someone that is my friend. I have been going to school with her daughter since Kindergarten but then again I wasn't in French Immersion. She failed me on my last task. I didn't like that class, and it wasn't taught very well. The exam seemed nonsensical.
I do not know the exam marks yet, and I will not know until Tuesday. I want to know now. They should be marked quickly because they used the multiple choice bubble sheets that can be scanned, and the short answer questions on the exam were not that long.

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