I have been in a really bad mood today, and to top it off I walked to work in the snow... There was no snow on the sidewalks yesterday, and it is the second day of spring. I am also walking through a wall of confidence issues again.... I am back to square one with all that brought on by dating. I am so weird, and awkward. I have zero confidence. :(
I lost the will to play Pokémon Black, I just got bored, a normal thing for me. I get on a kick, then it goes away.
Work has been work. I am lifting things I really shouldn't be, and I am starting to feel it sometimes. I am going to keep doing it though probably. It makes me feel useful.
This downer will go away, it comes, and goes with me... A lot.
I know how you feel about the game. I have been having to force myself to play. Confidence is a tricky thing, especially for us girls. *hugz*