Playing Pokémon Trainer Master with the roommates, and being all nerdy = WIN. Going to work the next morning with little sleep = Not so good....
Debit pinpads are down nationwide under one company, and their new pinpad really sucks, and has cause nothing but problems since it has been installed. Stupid chip cards. Someone I heard say it must have something to do with Japan, how could anyone think that it is a Canadian company.
I am so easily exploited. :( I was asked to work today so I ditched all my plans just so I could go to work, and it was horrible. I also was asked to stay an hour later, I had originally said no, but I ended up staying anyways.
I had a customer actually say he was worried that the 3DS shipments would be late because of what is happening in Japan, but that he looked it up and they are still scheduled to be on time. It took everything in me not to give him a tongue lashing.