Friday, January 28, 2011

Busy in a Good Way

Two weeks ago I worked six days in a row so I didn't do a thing that week. I had time off this past week.
I went up, and checked the apartment, and I loved it; apparently the roommates are friends with someone I know, and are going to the same college I will be attending in the fall. I applied around at a few places, and my cousin is referring me at a few others. I was told by several places I could apply online, and even from McDonald's where I work, and I have seen the site a lot since it is on the receipts. Call me old fashioned but I believe in going in person, and dropping off everything. Life is falling into place finally. I almost got stranded at the transfer stop on the way home because it was storming, and they canceled all the buses for the rest of the day. My friend's father came to the rescue thankfully though, and I am so grateful. I already have a job interview so I went back Monday, I haven't had an interview in about three years since I got hired. It was a very quick interview, she asked short questions about my current job. Also, if you are in a situation like I was in if the staff tries to kick you out, that is ridiculous. I work in a restaurant setting, and I can't kick customers out after we are closed. Kicking me out in the middle of a storm when I am trying to figure out what is going on isn't right, I would have fought if they actually did, but they tried. I have to take the bus though I rather not... The train doesn't go through to that city but if it did I would be on the train rather than the bus.
The hotel I stayed in I got a good laugh at. I almost went flying walking across their shiny floors more than once. The alarm went off at five in the morning, so I was fidgeting around in the dark, and eventually turned it off. I roasted myself out because I didn't want to play to much with the heating. There was nothing interesting in any of the drawers, usually there is. :( It was a cheap, but lovely hotel.
So I was eating really old goldfish crackers, but I didn't get food poisoning, but honestly they tasted like the cupboard they were in. I know I said I learned my lesson about food, but what if their is no expiry date? Some stuff puts it in weird spots, and some don't even have expiry dates.
I was playing Tales of Symphonia with a friend, and Lord Botta wiped the floor with us. We used to be so good at that game too. We beat it several times, and now we suck at it. I lost my old memory card for the Gamecube so I bought a new one. I also tried playing the first Kingdom Hearts, and I have no clue what to do, and I am not even that far in the game. I miss gaming, that isn't World of Warcraft; speaking of which I almost posted in that blog instead of this one.
I finally got to hang out with a friend who I haven't hung out with in a while. Her schedule is always changing, and sometimes so is my mine; kind of like last week.
I hung out with my cousin, and we did what we do best. Talking, and reminiscing.
I went back up on Monday for my interview of course. I also checked out another apartment. I am going to have so much fun. I really like both apartments but I should really go for the cheaper one which I am. I met some really nice people in the process of looking for apartments. I managed to stop by my favourite store, and pick up a few plush toys, and another Yoshi for my collection. I picked up a copy of Black Ops for my brother since the first copy was destroyed. I ended up staying in the hotel I stayed in last week. I really love that hotel. I was in the room across from where I was last time. I pretty much roasted myself out with the heater because I left them as high as they could go in both rooms. The alarm didn't go off this time but I woke up at 5am, and rolled across the bed. I came back early because it is suppose to storm sometime between tonight, and tomorrow. My friend did my nails for me, and we talked about random things as well. It has been pretty good. I can't believe I will be moving in two weeks.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Fun Night After a Long Week

Last night was amazing, minus the fact I wiped out/face planted in my friend's driveway. I never did get to make the vegetarian sushi, I just didn't have time, and I highly doubt anyone would eat it. I worked in the morning, still suffering from that stupid food poisoning.... I had to sleep when I got home, and then go to a hair appointment. I went into town for the first time in a long time. I even wandered through the Mount Allison campus. I stopped to talk with someone I haven't seen since before Christmas.
So yesterday night was my friend's birthday party, and it was amazing, she had a Fantasia representative there too. We had a lot of giggles.
There was a karaoke contest at the bar after, and I didn't qualify this week. I am so used to not getting into contests it doesn't even phase me anymore.
In my sleep deprived state though I ended up going home early, I can't stay up late anymore.
So I have quickly been working things out, instead of freaking out about everything that goes wrong in my life. I have a few things arranged in the next few weeks to do, and if all goes well that will be freaking great. :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Busy, Busy

I have officially learned my lesson. I will not be leaving food in the fridge for days at a time, and then eating it. I food poisoned myself, and missed a day of work. Smart right?
I am slowly trying to piece stuff together at the moment, and hope it doesn't fall apart.
I do have a lot to look forward to tomorrow after work.
I am so busy.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Getting Myself in Gear

I have officially posted all my textbooks on Kijiji. Right Here. I really need to get rid of these textbooks.
I have also posted a looking for ad in apartments for where I am moving to. I really hope I did it right. I want to move as soon as possible. I will be discovering things on my own from here on out. Even though a friend offered to help I think I should really do it myself. I don't want to depend on people too much.
I have to make a hair appointment with my stylist before I dye it. I have to call a friend, and reschedule coffee since I canceled on him last minute.
So much to do.
Still hoping for happiness, but no luck....

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Quiet Days At Home

I enjoy the days sitting at home, playing video games occasionally; Harvest Moon, and World of Warcraft are my top two favourites. I also enjoy curling up, and reading books, I am currently trying to read the Mortal Instrument Series by Cassandra Clare, and The Infernal Devices, as well as the World of Warcraft series by various authors.
I did go out last night, but I guess I cannot really stay up late anymore. I went to the University for a Semi-Formal dance with friends, it was fun, and the DJ was amazing. We went out for supper beforehand, and it was really fun.
I am really hoping for an exciting week outside of work. Next week I am going back to Martial Arts, it has been two years, since I quit when I started working. This should be fun. This week is my friend's birthday, and that is Friday.

Friday, January 7, 2011

No Life with Bad Days

So I have no life outside of work.
I went all the way to surprise visit my friend, I was looking forward to just seeing her... I got to her workplace, and she teaches at the college that I will be attending in the fall, and I didn't know she did this on this day. I didn't get to see her. I was very upset. The bus was late arriving, and leaving. I had a very rude bus driver when I transferred on my way home. Why must everything backfire in my face.
I have had a very long, tiring week, and will be secluding myself until I go back to work on Tuesday.
I am having trust, and emotion issues at the moment.
It is only seven days into the new year, and it feels like it has been longer, I freaking wish.....

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Moving Into The New Year

So apparently my plans fell apart in my hands, once again I should mention. Somehow this tends to happen a lot but this time I need to fix it myself.
My friend is not moving with me which is kind of a relief to me. I was pretty surprised when he applied to a school in the city where I applied. After the flood at his sister's place he finds that was something telling him that this isn't his thing to do.
I am not afraid to go look on my own, I don't want to bother my friend.
Still terrified, I am but this is something I have to do. I feel like a change will be nice. Still moving in with a bunch of people you don't know is difficult.
I will hopefully have this planned out soon. *crosses fingers*

Happy New Year!

I would have posted sooner but after working nine hours on New Years Eve day I got hit with sickness. D: I just woke up about half an hour ago. It is 5:30a.m.
I still did go out that night.
So New Year's Eve I went to a party at a place I didn't know. It wasn't that great so we went to one of my friend's place. When I got there I did feel better. There were mostly people there from work, and before we got there, there was some unnecessary drama caused by some tard who was later arrested. We had a lot of fun. I kept spilling stuff on myself after a while. The guys were wrestling, and it really scares me when they do that because they could hurt themselves, and knock stuff over. We talked, and had fun. We got home around 2:30a.m. I stole someone's shirt. =P
I woke up the next morning with this sickness again, and I went home after, and fell asleep, and slept until when I woke up earlier.

New Year's Resolutions

- stop fearing moving, and just do it
- to make a new life for myself when I move
- work hard
- be extremely careful with money
- try to stop dwelling on the past
- to be there when people need me the most
- to get my full drivers