Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My 20th Birthday

On the 28th I celebrated my 20th Birthday. It was much better than I expected it to be.
One of my friends came up to visit, my cousin ended up bailing on me. I have some really great cousins....
So besides that we dragged ourselves out of bed early to go to Cora's. My friend got the fruit plate, which I don't remember it's name specifically. I got the Strawberry Satisfaction, and it was the biggest thing I have ever seen, and needless to say I never finished it. I left a tip, sadly mostly in pennies because that is all I have for change, but it was very amusing.
We stopped by at a tattoo shop that I know is really good because everyone talks about. I will be getting my first tattoo August 2nd so stay tuned for that. :)
Unfortunately I did have to work on my birthday but it could have been a lot worse, considering I didn't work until 3. My friend also brought me strawberry shortcake. <3 I managed to get home early because the boss let me go.
We went to a really nice pub/restaurant with amazing food, and drinks. It was an absolute blast. I have never had so much fun for my birthday. Except for maybe that street dance when I turned 18.
My friend helped me finish my strawberry kitchen set, I already owned the teapot, and I now have the sugar bowl, cream jug, and salt, and pepper shakers. She also got me a cute little gold heart necklace. Another friend who came along for the restaurant got me a giant Totoro.
I have been mostly working, but my hours have been cut, but not as bad as when I worked at McDonald's. I managed to get some time off in the next two weeks to go home, and visit which I am rather excited about.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Mostly Working

So I just might work myself to death. I will not be attending Animaritime because of work, which really doesn't even bother me that much because I need to work, and I need to work period, end of story because I have bills to pay. I felt really awkward at the work outing last week because I was stuck down at the end, and no one was talking to me. I kind of regretted going. But they got some people to move down some, and put me by people to talk to. It was great fun. :) East Side Marios has great bread, and salad. I am going to miss the assistant manager. :(
Other than work I do usually have at the most recently two days off a week so I use one to do chores, and the other I do random things.
My iPod has been replaced thankfully, and I am no longer running around trying to get that solved. I was actually home on the first delivery attempt! Which was amazing.
I now own a hamster, I got it as a birthday present to myself, and I had said that I wanted one since before I moved. It's a Winter White Pearl, and uncommon species of Dwarf Hamsters, and it is also Russian. I named it Snowball, and it is only six, or seven weeks old. I will find out the gender later. Snowball is very hyper, and has been since the first time I laid eyes on it. I also got it an igloo, which it sleeps in, and it is so cute!
I've been having great fun with my roommates, and I am so glad one of my roommates finally has a job so she can stay here. We are going to have so much fun this summer.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Keeping Busy

So it has been about a week, and I have been very busy mostly working. I really do enjoy working at my current job. It keeps me busy, and kills time which I love. The co-workers I really enjoy, though the assistant manager is done on Friday, and that makes me quite sad.
My father came up, and visited me today. :) We put together a bookshelf together. This one is put together correctly unlike the one I left back home. We also went out for lunch. I was really glad my father came to see me.
Lately I have had trouble getting up in the morning. It has been rather cold in the morning which is really odd for June. I also keep changing my alarm to pm, instead of am, which is really annoying if I don't realize it.
I forgot to mention I do not have an iPod at the moment, I was so tired out one night after working both jobs I left it in my pocket, and put it in the wash. Was I ever upset. I put it in rice, but since it is still under warranty I inquired for service. I just sent it away Friday after fighting with the delivery company because they do not listen. They were suppose to hold the package, and not send it anywhere on the third attempt because I knew I would be at work, and they did. I had to travel way out to the industrial park almost in the next town on my day off.
I did take this chance to stop in at an Asian grocery store which was a great adventure. While I was waiting for the cab a nice gentleman who was there gave me a meat bun, needless to say it was really nice, and he didn't have to. I will go back when I have the chance though.

Monday, June 6, 2011

New Job

So I am done my very painful change over of jobs. I was working at both places on days that I could, and this is the second week in a row of doing a straight string of shifts.
I can honestly say I don't feel I am that cut out for this job sometimes. I was told to suck it up today by the boss which really upset me, and then he called me back out back, made me give eye contact, and I felt cornered, and cried. I also wore shorts to work with tights, and apparently I'm not allowed to, and I hadn't been told so before when I did. Good thing there was a Reitman's next door because I didn't have to walk all the way home.
It's rather embarrassing to be the youngest, and only single person there.
I did go out the other night to Pizza Hut with my roommates, one of their mothers, and boyfriend, and it was quite enjoyable.
I am rather confused on what day it is, and I don't know why.
Getting out of bed is difficult because it has been rather cold.