Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Weather is Warming Up

Photography is great, and I got to take some amazing pictures while I was home for March Break. Fashion we drafted a pattern which I was done in no time. I still remember how to do it apparently. We are making pants, and a project of our choice limited to the patterns for things like little bags, and such. I basically have the boring Fashion class. :( I am going to be going into Fashion Textiles next year hopefully. We are already back into a week after March Break but we have about 5 weeks left of classes. :O Scary.
I have made some new friends lately. One girl is a Lolita, and the other is another artist who is part of the administration at a new art school in the city. It is great. :) There is also another girl who I befriended because she is one of my friends friend's.
The weather is warming up, and I am very excited. I love spring so much because it is warm. I went to the Saturday Farmer`s Market, and had a lot of fun with my friends. I found fudge made with liqueurs, they boil it down so there is only the taste, and no actual liqueur. I bought maple butter for the first time as well, and I am super excited to try it. They also had a lot of apple cider which I got some. It is always fun to go, and get breakfast there, and just look around.
I played pool the evening before at a Dooly's I consider very fancy, and it was a lot of fun. I was on a team that we lost the three rounds, I sunk the 8-ball in the first round to soon. It was very enjoyable.
Played Luna Game 5, and the last part was too large to load on my computer. I have played all of them.
So apparently Acadian is going back for negotiations with the help of a mediator April 29th-May 1st. I really hope they resolve it because it would be nice to travel minus all the hassle of finding a way back to my hometown, and from there back to the city.

Been listening to a lot of Taylor Swift lately, her, and LIGHTS are my favourite singers.

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