Sunday, January 3, 2010

Winter Semester Starts Soon

The Christmas Break is done tomorrow since it will be my last day off.
I checked my student email and found emails from my Japanese teacher, and since there are so many people in the Introductory Japanese II class A she is requesting that some people switch into class B, and I can't do that because I like having friends in the class that I know.
I was going through my textbooks because there is a used textbook sale, and I can sell all my books except for the Japanese ones. That's roughly 450$ worth of books. My cat kitten Mochi chewed on Still Blaming Children by: Bernard Schissel, and I didn't like the book, apparently neither did Mochi.
This semester I have:
Introductory Japanese II
Business Studies and Tutorial to Commerce Lab
Introduction to Principles of Literary Analysis
The Making of Modern Asia
Principles of Macroeconomics and Tutorial Macroeconomics Lab
I have to work really hard this semester to redeem myself. I will keep up with my readings, and go to all of my labs. I will not do what I did last semester which was stupid, and reckless. I will study for my midterms as well, even though I did really good on the Sacred Space Holy Land Midterm, and I winged it.

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