Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Final Marks \(^▽^*)

I passed four out of five classes. My best mark was probably Japanese (I do not know because there is no mark on the site, and I was doing pretty good in the course), then Physical Geography, then Sacred Space Holy Land, and my worst was Psychology. I took five courses remember, so that means I failed Sociology. My Grade Point Average is a fail because of that stupid Sociology class it was a pass before I got that mark, I should have dropped it. The class was poorly taught, and I did not like the teacher, I went to school with both her daughters, and graduated with the elder one, and I did not like them. At least I passed Psychology.
I am going to die later when I tell Dad I failed Sociology. |・ω・`) At least I passed everything else though. I am not telling him the exact mark but I will tell him I passed the other four.
I will apply myself more this Winter semester. The first one was a shock to the system.

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