Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ball-Jointed Dolls

I have be interested in Ball-Jointed Dolls for a few years now. Back when my interest first started I had no one around to help me with any aspect of the hobby, and I had no clue where to look. I have made a friend in college who has helped me out a lot so far. Also one of the teachers at the college does Ball-Jointed Dolls as well.
I ordered my first Doll from Doll-Zone. Lola. I will just be getting her base body with no face-up, and random eyes. I am working on finding wigs, clothing, and the perfect eyes. I am so excited for her to come in.

One of my favourite dolls has to be Volks Lieselotte. She is so pretty. <3

I don't know if I will ever have more than one doll, maybe. It is really exciting though. <3

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