Sunday, November 14, 2010

I Have a Little Bit of a Life at the Moment

Currently Reading: Sense & Sensibility by: Jane Austen
Last Movie Watched: Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
Last Television Show Watched: The Cake Boss
Current Video Game: World of Warcraft

Working full-time does not mean I have a set schedule, it just means I work 3-5 at least 8 hour shifts if not more with smaller shifts. It leaves me time to sleep, and not do much else. But I got to do stuff this weekend.
I had a girl's night with my friend, and her mom. We watched the Prince, and Me 1, and 2. They should have used the same actors for the second one, the first one was better. We also watched Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle which is full of fake stunts.
They have a chinchilla, and I am in love with them now. I really like them, they aren't as annoying as guinea pigs.
Did some art. Watched Cake Boss, his cakes are amazing! Also watched Gimme Sugar Miami, which was interesting.
I have to read Half Blood Prince, and the Deathly Hallows from the Harry Potter series. I rather read the books, and then watch the movies. I read/watched Order of the Phoenix last because I remember crying when they killed Sirius.
I am so happy I have time to read, and what not. Also play WoW. One of my friend's wants me at Level 80.
This week I plan on visiting my high school to see the art teacher, getting my contacts on Friday because that is the only day the optometrist is open, and going to Midnight Madness Friday night. Might go have hot chocolate some night.
I am working on thinking out costumes for next year. I really want to do Kobato Hanato, from Kobato, but she has so many outfit choices.

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