Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Week is Almost Done, But About to Begin for Myself

So I have a few things after me at the moment.
DHL once again has pulled the old brokerage, but this time under a different company. Also Mount Allison wants their money, but I was told I only had to pay the penalty... They sent me the statement, and I just looked at it, guess where I am going tomorrow after work...
Visited the high school yesterday. It is so hard to visit the high school because most of the teachers I had left.
Also went to Tim Horton's with a friend before hand. Love going out for hot chocolate, or coffee.
Going back to church Sunday!!!! Making sure I go!
Apparently doing something else Friday night instead of Midnight Madness, change of plans. Going to the city with a friend.
Looking forward to the weekend.

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