Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hurricane Irene & The Beginning of Classes

Last time I was going to post I was logged out, and I lost everything so here we go again.
I will start my post off by saying Irene is probably the worst hurricane I have seen in years, and where I live we were right at the edge of that path. I have been in a lesser hurricane like that, and thought it would be nothing. We lost power around 11 Sunday night. My roommates, and I lit candles, and hung around in the living room. We ended up camping there that night. Having no electricity, and lacking food that could be eaten as is, the next day we ordered food from an amazing pizzeria. We finally got the power back Tuesday evening thankfully.
I am setting my priorities straight, and have managed to really organize myself for the year which will be really helpful. I have set goals, and plans to get everything done in a timely, and less stressful manner.
I started class Tuesday, and thankfully we only had two classes with icebreaker introductions of ourselves. I hate speaking aloud. My favourite class so far is Colour study, we are going to using Gouache paints, but I don't really know how I feel about those at the moment. I also have History, 2D Design, Drawing, Communications, and Ceramics (only seven weeks). I like the History class because it is set up like a university course where you have lecture than tutourial. The Communications class is a grammar, and how to use Microsoft Office, and since I was in high school I have taken several courses with that as the component, and the same with one university course, it just won't leave me alone!
I made a new friend which is surprising, and different for nervous, and shy me. She is very nice, and we have History together. I thought I wouldn't make any friends because I didn't really make any friends at university because they were all fake.
I am unfortunately on year three of annoyance with Student Loans. I have never been so irritated. They never even contacted me to tell me that I had filled out part of my form wrong. I am also currently working on all their forms that I have to fill out.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Crazy Good Week

I had a wonderful day at work Tuesday, I tacked ties at work for most of the day. The day before someone finally called from head office to talk to me about the email I sent through customer service. It was nice to talk about it to someone, and a lot of my fears about working there have been assuaged thankfully.
I have been playing the Sims 3. I absolutely love the game. My favourite experience so far was when the fireplace started a fire in the living room, and I tried to put it out, and now there is a large black spot on the floor from the fire. It is quite the entertaining game.
I started watching Mawaru-Penguindrum which is very odd, but I like it so far.
I did quite a bit of baking Thursday night, and it was great fun. After fighting with the squash for an hour I finally had it prepared. I also cooked chicken along with it, and cupcakes earlier in the day.
I tend to clean ambitiously when I do want to clean so one of my room mates, and I tackled cleaning the bathroom on Wednesday which wasn't that bad, and a lot of fun.
Now Orientation was today, and I have been excited about this for weeks! It was so much fun though I didn't make any friends. Nothing new there. I have ceramics this semester.
My blazer, and cutsew finally came in from Qutieland, and I love them both.
It has been quite the good week.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Final Summer Trip Home

The complete date of my trip home was altered due to work, what else would cause it.
I went home Wednesday after the boss BlackBerry Messaged me to tell me it was dead, and he was cutting my shift. He said enjoy your day off. I was actually ready for work, just about ready to leave too. Of course I was scheduled to work Sunday, there usually isn't a week where I am not so I had to leave Saturday afternoon.
I just started throwing stuff in a bag to bring home, and then I had to stop myself, and re-pack everything. In my hurry I forgot the present for my friend's adorable little baby boy.
I traveled by bus of course. Acadian is the bus line that runs through the Maritimes; meaning New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. Quebec has Orléans. The Quebec bus has Wi-Fi Internet, and leather seats, the leather seats I do not like. I like the Acadian bus line seats better though. Coming home I ended up on two different Orléans buses, and I do not like the leather seats. I had my fun with them again because my departure day I waited for the bus for an hour because it was late out of Montreal again. I wish I could take the train, I love the train, and miss it dearly.
It was rather nice compared to the last time I was home. Thursday was absolutely beautiful, and I had a nice walk around town, and found some people I was looking for. Visits to my favourite diner occurred almost every day but one. Most of the day was spent sitting on a picnic bench talking with friends. Friday I had another friend over, and we reminisced the past, and I dug out and old VHS of anime taped off YTV when I was 13. It wouldn't be a Friday night home if the Brat Pack didn't go out for Karaoke. ♥ Two of us spent the night before listing off songs. It was so much fun, and so many people were there. Saturday was very short lived. :( I went with a friend for a bit then went, and met up with my two friends. I met my friend's baby boy, and he is absolutely precious. One of them told me I would be next to have a kid, and I don't think so. I met up one more time with the Brat Pack, and we took pictures before I left.
In the end though I didn't get to see everyone I wanted to see, including another family member.
My plan is to not go home again until Christmas.
I am going to miss my dear friend who will be leaving for school far away. Hopefully we will see each other at Christmas time.
The college school year starts in a week, and orientation is Friday. I am so excited, and nervous.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

First Tattoo

Monday was my tattoo appointment though it was suppose to be the week before on Tuesday after the long weekend. They forced the artist doing my tattoo to go on vacation, and I luckily got my appointment this week. All her references were moved on her too, and luckily I had thought ahead, and printed out a copy. I was very excited, and nervous. I was more scared when I first booked the appointment.

My original design was a lot simpler, and smaller than I spotted these, and decided on them.

Getting the stencil on, and aligned took a few minutes but they are aligned perfectly.

This tattoo was a three hour process, and it was done while I was sitting backwards in a chair. The right side of my back at times I didn't feel anything but I when I did feel it it wasn't that bad. My left side on the other hand hurt quite a bit.
The healing will be a bit since I have quite the case of sensitive skin, and have had it ever since I was a baby. I opted for Lubriderm which is highly recommended if you do not get the Tattoo Goo. The lotion will burn though, and depending on how bad your skin is it can burn a lot. I completely follow the instructions given to me, I rather not risk damage, and such. Getting the bandages off was quite difficult due to the fact it was on my back, and taped awkwardly, and I still have adhesive on my back from the tape. In my case it burned so bad the first time. The healing process can take one to three weeks. I am hoping for a shorter time span of healing.
My awesome roommates, and one of their friends came along to watch, and I am glad someone came along.
Tattoos always mean something to people as well. To me these represent freedom. I enjoy the detail on the wings, it gives them a soft feathery look. I don't know if I will ever get another tattoo, we'll see what the future brings.

Friday, August 5, 2011

No Internet But Enjoying It

Two days after my last post our internet provider disconnected us due to a billing issue, and since our landlord deals with the bill we can't do anything about it, and we still don't have internet. I am being classy, and using McDonald's internet as we speak. I am enjoying no internet but it drives me crazy at the same time.
Might I also add I feel very insulted by my old workplace McDonald's because they slipped me a piece of paper saying hiring full time for September. First of a ll I have a job already, and second of all I am going back to school in September, actually in August. I found it very rude, but apparently they miss me, I don't know why though I sucked at the job.
I am still diligently reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. What a horrible time to lose internet I might add I wanted to try, and get into Pottermore early. ;_;
I went to go get my tattoo done on Tuesday, and my artist went on vacation that day, and never called me. I thankfully got the appointment rescheduled a week from then. It was very upsetting, and I was really excited. I have had this appointment booked since my birthday.
I've mostly been cleaning, and such on my days off.
I have fallen back into gaming, and I am currently laying Paper Mario. I forgot how much I loved that game!
I also have gotten all my mail from the school about the school year, and I am very excited to start at the end of the month. I am also looking forward to my trip home later in the month.