Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Crazy Good Week

I had a wonderful day at work Tuesday, I tacked ties at work for most of the day. The day before someone finally called from head office to talk to me about the email I sent through customer service. It was nice to talk about it to someone, and a lot of my fears about working there have been assuaged thankfully.
I have been playing the Sims 3. I absolutely love the game. My favourite experience so far was when the fireplace started a fire in the living room, and I tried to put it out, and now there is a large black spot on the floor from the fire. It is quite the entertaining game.
I started watching Mawaru-Penguindrum which is very odd, but I like it so far.
I did quite a bit of baking Thursday night, and it was great fun. After fighting with the squash for an hour I finally had it prepared. I also cooked chicken along with it, and cupcakes earlier in the day.
I tend to clean ambitiously when I do want to clean so one of my room mates, and I tackled cleaning the bathroom on Wednesday which wasn't that bad, and a lot of fun.
Now Orientation was today, and I have been excited about this for weeks! It was so much fun though I didn't make any friends. Nothing new there. I have ceramics this semester.
My blazer, and cutsew finally came in from Qutieland, and I love them both.
It has been quite the good week.

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