Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Another Day Down

I have too many things going on.
I have my Beginner's permit test tomorrow. I have been trying to study for that. I really want to pass, and get it over with. You have to pay to write the test, and then pay for your permit. It comes to over 100$ by the time you are done... That's expensive.
We didn't do anything in Economics lab, we just signed attendance, and then left. I really don't like dragging myself in for labs, but since we got done early I got to go pay for the Beginner's Permit test.
Went to Japanese, and I missed Monday's class, and Sensei expects me to know what is going on... Hell no. I managed to do some good today, it wasn't that bad. Our Intermediate course packs are finally in which I purchased yesterday. I also finally purchased a scarf which I have been looking for for years considering the clothing store used to be separate from the university.
Nothing new still stressed, tired, overwhelmed....
I want to back to May, and June when I was happiest when I still believed in love...
I have to go see my Japanese Conversation Partner tomorrow. I wonder how that will go....

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