Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Too Much....

I feel absolutely horrible at the moment.
I have an assignment due on the 12th, and that is after the Thanksgving weekend, and I barely have the book started.
I have my Beginner's on Thursday. I really wish I did that this summer but I kept forgetting, and I never copied down the number when I was there in July....
I missed class yesterday because I was curled up in a ball most of the day due to cramps. I missed important stuff. D: Oh my God I hate this I am actually getting sick, and suffering this year.
I am stressed out, tired, overwhelmed, and all that good stuff. I am pushing myself to do stuff, and that isn't helping either. It would be easier to drop out... I have been freaking out, and having more break downs because of all the pressure I am under.
I really don't want to do this anymore.
The semester is almost half over, and that is scaring me, the exam schedule is already out. I don't want to think about it because it is only going to sneak up on me....

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