Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Food Review

I think from now on I am going to do an occasional food review, because when I go grocery shopping I like to try different things. There is a lot more variety in the grocery store in this huge city than the same town where I came from. Yay for Sobey's,

Maruchan Yakisoba 4 Cheeses - Its says fill to line, and cook for four minutes. The noodles weren't all cooked after four minutes. The cheese sauce did not disperse properly. Probably would have tasted better plain, because chunks of sauce is gross.

Ambriosa Apples - Really good, the insides are yellow because it is suppose to taste nectary, really sweet.

Grissol Baguette Crackers - What I call bread crackers, I enjoy them a lot. I bought plain, and the other types listed on the back sounds good too. They go really good with raw mushrooms if you like those.

I buy mostly things I can eat which chopstick mostly because they are easier to clean that other utensils. I don't dirty a lot of things, I try to keep my cups clean.
Work finally called me with my hours this week, and I don, start until next week.

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