Thursday, February 24, 2011

Puddle Jumping

After a lovely day out of puddle jumping to get to the mall, and being careful of icy surfaces I have more food.
Wandering around the mall was fun. I now have caffeine in my system, a foreign object since it has been a few weeks. I am still really sad about no more Teriyaki Experience. :( I had to decide where to have supper because I didn't want to go home, and cook it, lazy right? I know.
I am really nervous, and shy in this new house so I finally asked if I could use the dishes, and what not. I hate being so nervous. BLARGH. Hoping to get over this soon, slowly but surely.
Going with roommates to Cora's one morning this weekend. It should be really fun.
I need to break out of my shell so badly, it's so hard though.

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