Thursday, February 24, 2011

Puddle Jumping

After a lovely day out of puddle jumping to get to the mall, and being careful of icy surfaces I have more food.
Wandering around the mall was fun. I now have caffeine in my system, a foreign object since it has been a few weeks. I am still really sad about no more Teriyaki Experience. :( I had to decide where to have supper because I didn't want to go home, and cook it, lazy right? I know.
I am really nervous, and shy in this new house so I finally asked if I could use the dishes, and what not. I hate being so nervous. BLARGH. Hoping to get over this soon, slowly but surely.
Going with roommates to Cora's one morning this weekend. It should be really fun.
I need to break out of my shell so badly, it's so hard though.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Food Review

I think from now on I am going to do an occasional food review, because when I go grocery shopping I like to try different things. There is a lot more variety in the grocery store in this huge city than the same town where I came from. Yay for Sobey's,

Maruchan Yakisoba 4 Cheeses - Its says fill to line, and cook for four minutes. The noodles weren't all cooked after four minutes. The cheese sauce did not disperse properly. Probably would have tasted better plain, because chunks of sauce is gross.

Ambriosa Apples - Really good, the insides are yellow because it is suppose to taste nectary, really sweet.

Grissol Baguette Crackers - What I call bread crackers, I enjoy them a lot. I bought plain, and the other types listed on the back sounds good too. They go really good with raw mushrooms if you like those.

I buy mostly things I can eat which chopstick mostly because they are easier to clean that other utensils. I don't dirty a lot of things, I try to keep my cups clean.
Work finally called me with my hours this week, and I don, start until next week.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Those Puddles are Awfully Deceiving

I didn't getup early enough to go to the market. Maybe I will go next week if I don't work. I stayed up late reading The Infernal Devices: Clockwork Angel by: Cassandra Clare. I love her books I cannot wait for the next addition of the Mortal Instruments: City of Fallen Angels in April, and the next addition of The Infernal Devices: Clockwork Prince later in the year.
So ever since I changed my number people are always calling it. I find it kind of funny, it hasn't been annoying at all.
So today I walked into the other part of town, and I finished my Yoshi collection. :) I went to the big mall, and Teriyaki Experience is closed. :( I am sad, their food was amazing, and healthy.
There are now puddles on the streets, and I stepped in one that was a little bit deeper than I thought, and I wasn't wearing waterproof boots either. The sidewalks have a slight layer of snow, and are not as bad as they were yesterday. It has been snowing all day, but it was nice to walk in minus the cold.
I am addicted to Britney Spears new song, I don't remember the last time she released a song, or anything like that.
Hopefully Orientation isn't canceled again tomorrow, I was not very impressed.
Other than that my day consisted of doing laundry, boring mostly, and playing WoW to pass the timeƩ

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Side Walks are Skating Rinks

I went out today for groceries finally. Good thing I can live off twenty dollars, cause that is all I bought. Mostly pre-prepared stuff, because I only cook when I really feel like it, and it is rare.
The sidewalks are like sheets of ice. I forgot my umbrellas, oh well. I guess I forgot more than I thought, but I got everything else major. I just about killed myself walking in, so I took a taxi home.
I stopped at Pet's Unlimited, which was nice. I really want a hamster. ; 3; They had some cute rodents, dogs, birds, but the cats were ugly as sin.
My bed ate one of my socks, still haven't found it.
Tomorrow is market day. Yay!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

All in a Days Work

Realization: I don't have a house key. I called the landlord, and she is bringing one over tonight.
I was woken up this morning by the phone ringing. I am smart enough to leave my phone so that I won't hear texts, but I leave it on so that people can call me. I went out for breakfast with my friend at McDonald's, and I hope to hang out with her again Saturday during the Farmer's Market because her mother is coming down.
I fought with my closet for ten minutes because I forgot how to pull it open. Silly me. My closet was in a disarray, until I bought 40 hangers, and only used 21, oh well, I have extras. Wal-Mart bags are horrible, I also bought a pop up hamper. I went to Staples for Wall Tacks. I also ended up buying a few more little necessities.
I ended up changing my cell phone to local. The company store didn't give me a problem like the last time I tried to change something on my phone, but of course this was elsewhere.
I walked everywhere, it is only a 15 minute walk to work. It is a little bit further to the mall, and there is a smaller strip mall across from work with everything I need.
I feel so responsible.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

All Moved In

Last night I went to an Art Auction, and cake walk. It was fun to see a few friends before I left town. I also stopped in at my former work place to see my favourite manager. The cakes were amazing, I love the giant cupcake cake. The art was interesting.
This morning I moved, we drove two hours on the highway. The GPS was great until it said right turn ahead, and Dad turned right, and we had to drive in a circle to get back. We got everything in the house pretty fast. I unpacked a lot of stuff while my Father was still here. We were going to go to the mall but it was closed because part of the roof collapsed. I finished unpacking after Dad left.
I am really starting to wonder if this is the right thing. After I seen the manager, and was out with friends I was almost crying, and the same after Dad left. Also the same after church. I left so much behind....

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Little Bit of Everything

The fact that I am moving has snuck up on me, I move in two days.
Life has fell into place. I have an apartment, and a job set up. I feel like this is going to work.
I am dating again, which is unexpected because I have to leave him behind. Good thing we are both nerds, and we can keep in touch through WoW, and such.
I went to church for the first time in a long time, I don't even remember the last time I went. Due to work, and school in my first year I had to stop going I was so busy, but I stayed busy after I quit school. I feel so bad I was involved, and so faithful, and I know I strayed.
I have spent the last few weekends making cupcakes. I have made Rainbow Bits, Butter Pecan, and today I am making chocolate.
I have been playing some video games lately too. I was playing Mario Kart Wii with the Gamecube controllers, and I jerked the controller up, and ripped it out of the system. I was also very competitive.
I went with a friend to McDonald's last night, and we had some good laughs with the staff.moving, job, apartment