Saturday, April 2, 2011

An Eventful April Fool's Day

I adore my roommates, it is down to the three of us now. Yesterday I was talking to one of them in the kitchen, and we mentioned the other one so she came out in the hall, and said: "I just heard my name." It was so funny, and cute. I think we are going to have a blast this summer. :) Our landlord is amazing as well, she is so sweet.
We had a freak snowstorm yesterday, and I barely made it home from work. I couldn't even walk two metres without rolling either one my ankles, and when I was almost home I fell on my face. I had an umbrella with me, and it didn't really work because the snow was coming down sideways due to the wind. Haha, very funny mother nature...
I had a fun day at work, it was all smiles. I spilled a cup of cream over on one manager, and threw a water bottle at another one. All of this by accident of course. I seen the spilling the cream coming though. Someone completely got me with an April Fool's joke. They said bus ticket prices would go up since gas prices went up. I totally fell for it, yet I caught on a few moments later.
No joke here, seriously. I broke up with my boyfriend, I couldn't see it happening. Also the zodiacs that we are both aligned under clash to much.

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