Thursday, March 10, 2011

Decisions... Decisions....

After putting a lot of thought into I will be no longer doing cosplay. I really don't see the point in buying costumes that I am only going to wear once. I just can't see myself doing it anymore. All my cosplays sucked, I don't have the looks for it anyways. I will still attempt to do Lolita but I will probably stick with the dresses I have, and work on items for coordination, which will mostly be accessories.
I am working on finding a second job, my current job will always be my safety net, which is a bit relieving. I am just sad my hours are half of what they used to be a week....
I have been mostly working on art, now that big project I planned for myself I at least have a draft sketch for the most part. I have been working on other things too.
Pokémon Black has been pretty fun so far, I only play little parts at a time though.

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