Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Snow is Gone

I want circle lenses... I cannot find circle lenses in Toric for the life of me... Not everyone has perfect eyes here! I would love to find grey, or green ones, that aren't around 80$.
Apparently my Dad is playing Pokémon again. I love my Dad. He was amazing at Pokémon Yellow, but he played it so much it burnt the battery out of it. My brother gave him Soul Silver to play.
The snow was all gone this morning. :) It was cold today though.
Orange Pop at work = Orange Fruitopia & Sprite. I also played in the play place on shit the other day. I was cleaning it, and decided to climb all the way up. I still get lost in them.
I have one episode left of SaiKano (Saishuu Heiki Kanojo), then I am going to watch the OVA if I can find it. I find the art style really different, but I love the story. Apparently the manga is different so I might read that too. I have wanted to watch this series forever, and now I am.
I was going to walk to the bus station Friday to go home... I looked at Google maps, not only is it trying to tell me to walk down the highway, the bus station is in a really annoying place, and was before then too. I'll get there faster by metro transit so I shall do that. So excited though!

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