Monday, May 2, 2011

It Just Keeps Plumetting....

I got yelled at while working today for moving to slow.
Well unless you want me to run into someone, and drop the customers food on the floor, and have to wait to have it remade go right ahead! Also I am sick, but apparently that doesn't matter... Seriously I should have called in sick this morning... I should not be there because it is a restaurant, and I am sick.
I am only there to work, I no longer care what people think of me. I have a job to do, and I am going to do it. So apparently if I call in sick they will hate, me well go ahead.
I still feel like utter crap. I can barely eat, and still not sleeping. Still sneezing m brains out... Ewww.... Frig I hate colds.
I am just watching everything just fall faster.

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