Thursday, September 30, 2010

This And That

I passed my first essay with a 6.1/10!!! This is the same essay that I failed last year. I do need to work on organization, and writing style, but I am very, very pleased that I passed this essay!!
I have officially met the two half Japanese twins. Really nice, and funny. I just wish people didn't have to tell others the stupid things about me, what a great friend eh? This is one person I don't trust either.
I walked in today, it was sunny, and there was a nice breeze blowing, go to lunch with a friend, and we go to leave, and what is it doing? Pouring rain. Screw off... Can't find a decent normal umbrella in town either...
Japanese tutorial lab today. Like any other day got to be stupid again. :D HOORAH. *sarcasm* Talked with a friend after. Finally mailed my Confirmation of Earnings for Student Loans. Grabbed food for supper at the grocery store.
Now I shall go into a rant.
2 months in counting, not including this month until I get out of this stupid town!
It will be better to not have to see people I cannot stand. You know I had a boyfriend too, we didn't hang off each other, and spend every moment together, and all that stuff. But there are people that do that, and those are usually the people who value their boyfriends over their friends. My thoughts on that are: Go die in a fire. <3 I am not the only immature one. WAIT!!!! I am always immature, according to everyone else that is.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Having a Lovely Time

Currently blogging through my phone, because the stupid wireless isn't working at the moment.
I haven't been to class since last Thursday, so I missed Japanese, and there was homework that I didn't understand so once again I get to look like an idiot.
I really don't think any of my university "friends" understand my situation at all, and at current I do not trust one either.
I am just having a lovely time. I had another breakdown last night. I really want to drop out but I have to finish this semester.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Not Doing So Great in Class

So today I actually made it to my Microeconomics Tutorial Lab, no rain stopping me this week. I miss my tutorial leader from last year even though I could hardly understand him. I did really well with assignments, this year I got my first one back, I am not doing good in any of my classes because at the moment I am unwillingly being forced to attend this hell hole. I wrote my Beginner's Japanese mini review exam today, sat down in front of the test, and forgot everything. I mean I love Japanese but I am so miserable that I can't even remember any of the language.
Needless to say I also don't trust a few people, and they really don't understand my situation, I don't think anyone understands the gravity of my situation except for my few very close town friends, and my awesome friend in the next province.
Only three months, and one acceptance letter away from leaving this town.

Monday, September 20, 2010

My Mind is Made Up

I snapped walking across campus to Japanese today. This is after I went to buy a new Minna No Nihongo: Translation and Grammatical Notes because the one I bought last year is currently trying to mold, and is still quite wet....
Why stay at this university and be miserable? I really want to drop out right now, on the spot. I will wait though... Until this semester is over. I don't care about student loans because where I am going I can earn that tuition easily, not a problem. I really don't care what my mother says, it's my life, and I will do what I want. The shifts I worked as full time were insane, and I was making overtime almost every week because I am reliable, and I take shifts, and I never miss shifts.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

An Evening Out

So tonight I went to Tim Horton's with a friend, and my conversation partner, and two of her friends. Once again it is still awkward. I cannot stand it.
The other two asked if I was from Canada too which was hilarious. One of them likes potatoes, but she can't eat them or something, and that was a good laugh too. They thought my high school friend was twenty.
I only usually go there for doughnuts, but tonight I had one of their sandwiches, it was good. :3
They are always scared to gain weight. There is nothing wrong with a little weight gain. Am I the only one looking to gain some weight here?
My friend dropped a piece of chicken right into my purse.
Apparently Wendy's gets busy. I wouldn't know that because I barely ever go there.
On other news, remember how I was hating on my life yesterday. I lost a friend, no biggie, I am a two-faced *****. Oh well. Life goes on, and it wouldn't be the first time either. At least that is one problem less to deal with. :D

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Keeps Getting Better

One piece of good news!!! I finally am enrolled in Sociology. :D
The sushi party with the Japanese society was today. I felt really awkward. I don't have the drive to be social anymore. I just don't have the ability to talk to people... I feel like I am watching myself sometimes because there are things that I did last year that I would die if I ever did again.
This year just keeps getting better, and better.
I cannot wait to leave this town next year.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Awkwardness and Student Loans Problems

Last night I spent quite a bit of time working on my Microeconomics assignment, all by myself. It really isn't hard.
I went shopping with the Japanese Society club tonight for the sushi party tomorrow. I find it really awkward for some reason to be walking around in a group full of Japanese students.
I just checked my student account balance and once again Student Loans failed to give me enough to pay this semester. It is actually less than last year....
So screwed....

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Week Two and I am Sooo Busy

I only have three course, so apparently that is enough to consider me a full time student. (Microeconomics, Intermediate Japanese, Asian History)
Even though I have only three classes I am busier than when I had five courses. I am betting it on the fact that my Asian History class, and my Intermediate Japanese are both second year courses. I am still considered first year because I do not have the credits to be a second year student since I failed the two courses. (Sociology, Asian History)
I probably will take Sociology next semester, I need to because I would feel better if I could get rid of all my failing marks. Then all I need is one more course.
I just finished my Microeconomics assignment due tomorrow. There was only one question I did not understand.
Also the other day when I walked to school in the pouring rain my books, most of them in my backpack are still wet, and that is really upsetting.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It Just Got Worse

Worst day ever so far this year.
I wasn't feeling well this morning so I didn't go to Economics. I woke up put the stuff on the door for the delivery I was suppose to get, went back to sleep, woke up later, and it was there. It was sunny out then. I left at either the right, or wrong time for my economics lab, which I missed because I got into town late. Why? Because it was pouring so hard that down by where I live it was flooded with water on the streets, and I walked in it. The manholes were clogged so the town had to come, and remove the clogging. Just as they came this car didn't slow down, and you know excessive speed, and a lot of water on the street results in a big wave. If I didn't step back I would have been soaked, and even more upset. I wore tights, and a skirt, and I was soaked from the waist down. I bought warm sweatpants from the school bookstore. My feet were wet for four hours though.
I went, and got my student loan. Apparently they won't fax my confirmation of earnings but they did last year. I am short some money... AGAIN. Just like first semester last year.
I did make it to Japanese class though. The guy I used to like as me a really difficult question. It really upset me, and I still do not like him, why did I use to have a crush on him. =/ My phone was vibrating very loudly during class twice... First time it was Rogers calling to tell me the phone I ordered was in. The second time it was work, trying to get me to come in but I already was closing.
I was so pissed. I really hate this town, the university, my job, and my life.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Another Rut...Great

Oh God.
I went to economics this morning, and that was okay. I went to meal hall, and studied with a friend for the Japanese Review quiz. I didn't even really study. I had no clue what to expect, I was thinking monster huge, but it was like our normal daily tests so I didn't do well. I am even having a hard time in Japanese. By the time I got in the class there was one seat left...right next to the know it all who I had a crush on last year. God knows why I liked this boy, because he is a prick. The class is smaller now too, and that makes me really nervous. We had a few good laughs over cute little mistakes. Also Sensei said she was going to start competing with how much homework she gives us versus other professors as a joke.
I wish I could just leave....

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Problems and Good Things

I am so angry at myself. I am having a hard time talking to my conversation partner. The one I befriended this summer we automatically clicked. This is just like the one from last fall, but last fall I still liked anime so I am blaming some of it on that.
I am so nervous, and when I am nervous I talk fast. We went to the Cafe tonight, and I didn't talk much at first. I warmed up better with the scavenger hunt.
I don't have to take Sociology next semester. *happy face* The fail is going to stay on my record though. *sad face* I have to go figure out next semester, I have to take three or four courses to be considered full time to get my student loans, and I currently have one next semester. I am going to go get help.
I went to the activities fair. I am helping with the Japanese Club, I signed up for Swing dancing, Badminton, and the culinary club.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Making the Best of It

I can't even get into Sociology next semester I keep getting the Faculty consent line from the registration site. I emailed the Professor of the course, and I hope she is nicer than the other Professor I emailed. I NEED to get back in. I didn't end up going to class today either, and I doubt we did anything in History. I worked last night so I was tired when I got home, but I stayed up and played a bit or World of Warcraft, and talked to a friend.
I am still not impressed about being stuck here. =/ I am going to fix my mistakes, and hopefully leave with a GPA that gets me out of Academic Probation.
The boss better fill out my Student Loans papers soon. I also finally got the email from the reghelp desk, took them long enough, I got a faster response from the professor.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Any More of a Mess and Disapointment

Microeconomics will be a lot easier than Macroeconomics. I was surrounded by a bunch of First Year Chinese students where I was sitting. Yipee. First years.... :D I actually understand the professor. Tutorials for this class start next week. :D I hope I do well in this class.
I didn't go to Japanese, it was review, and I can do it on my own this weekend when I have it off. My mother called me, and severely upset me.
I am stuck at the university until the year ends. =/ I don't want to because there is nothing to take, and I really don't want back in Sociology. Mostly because it has to interest me or have some hands on work. I am seriously not smart enough to be going there. :( My mother knows nothing of university.
I have to stay or I will lose my loans which I kind of need. Especially if I move next year to go to elsewhere because my parents cannot financially help me, and never could, hence the reason why I have a job. Never question why I have a job, it is not a subject to touch with me.
Yea, I am still falling apart from time to time...

I Hate All This

I really don't want to be in this town. I don't want to go to this stupid university. I hate it here. I should have never went there, I had help from the most useless person ever picking universities.
I don't want to go back second semester. There is nothing to take. If I take random courses I will fail. If I don't go back I won't get my student loans for the school I am going to in the fall.
I am not going to Japanese I am too upset to go. I am going to work tonight but if I can't do it I am not staying. I can't believe I am such a weak, stupid person.
I hate this. I hate this town. I hate that university.
I want out but I am screwed...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

To Hell With Sociology

So I had my entire schedule memorization screwed up. Sociology was this morning but to hell with it now, and I missed it anyways because I thought it was three days a week, and not two. I emailed the professor, and she told me the class is full very bluntly too. I cannot stand her. I went to school with her kids, must be nice to be stuck up, and have money. I really want that off my transcript, and I don't know what to do about it, or who to go to.
I have had it with this university. I want out. I am not smart enough to be going there.

First Day Done

History is so different this year, and also in a different building. We now have three books to read but we also have tutorials for said novels. The professor also took the forty page, professional audience article out of the course, that I didn't read last year. I really have to work hard in this class, and keep up with the readings. I talked to the professor, and if I need help I am going to go get help.
I went to visit a friend, she is now in a new dorm, and her boyfriend is the Resident Assistant. It only hasn't been five minutes but I cannot stand him, and giving him that position has made him more of a prick. I can't confide in my friends that are friends with him, and tell them this because they will run back, and tell him. I don't even think I should post it here, but whatever. How am I suppose to know the house rules when I don't live in a dorm.
I don't know how long it is going to last but I am falling apart now, and I can't stand it. I am weak, and vulnerable like before.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Classes Begin Tomorrow

I met my new Japanese Conversation Partner tonight. I enjoy her, but I really miss the one I met this summer. She gave me a cute Hello Kitty cellphone charm, and chocolate. :D I met many others tonight to. They are all very surprised I can speak some Japanese. I really enjoy the program. I was being very shy, and was nervous as heck though. I ran into my friend from last year, and just about cried. I am very unstable due to the fact that last night my boyfriend, and I broke up. I'll live though, and I won't be falling in love again anytime soon, and it was very nice to see her. Classes start tomorrow, but I don't have my history class until 1. :D Yay. I have classes at 7:30 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday though. xD I cut my hours thank god.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Textbooks and Still Not In Sociology

So for courses I have Intermediate Japanese, Microeconomics, and Asian History. I bought the textbooks I need, and the History Professor added another book to read to the course. Also there is a book to read for Microeconomics.
Well I am still not in Sociology, and no one was at the registration help desk she helped one guy, and then disappeared, needless to say I wasn't impressed, and didn't stand around. I wanted to deal with this today, guess I will go talk to the professor on Wednesday... Apparently the topic this year is poverty, now that I can understand. I just need to see which books I need, and if the textbooks are the same. Screw this faculty's consent I got back into History so why not Sociology, what is so special about it?
I just emailed my conversation partner, hopefully I can meet her before the event on Monday night. :D

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Course Registration and Plans

Okayy so I registered for courses, all but one, and I might drop another one...
I can't get back into Sociology at the moment but I got back in my History course that I failed. Apparently I need the faculty's consent to get back into Sociology.
There are no courses I want to take. University is nothing like I thought it would be... I need to get out so after first semester I am going to work my butt off to pass those courses, and I am not coming back second semester.
I cannot do it. I am not smart enough for university, and like I said there is nothing I want to take.
I should have stuck to art, and what not but no. I just didn't know what I want to do. Life is confusing in that sense.
I am going to be helping out with the Japanese Society this year too.
The new Japanese students are here! I cannot wait to meet my Conversation partner on Monday. =D