Sunday, September 12, 2010

Problems and Good Things

I am so angry at myself. I am having a hard time talking to my conversation partner. The one I befriended this summer we automatically clicked. This is just like the one from last fall, but last fall I still liked anime so I am blaming some of it on that.
I am so nervous, and when I am nervous I talk fast. We went to the Cafe tonight, and I didn't talk much at first. I warmed up better with the scavenger hunt.
I don't have to take Sociology next semester. *happy face* The fail is going to stay on my record though. *sad face* I have to go figure out next semester, I have to take three or four courses to be considered full time to get my student loans, and I currently have one next semester. I am going to go get help.
I went to the activities fair. I am helping with the Japanese Club, I signed up for Swing dancing, Badminton, and the culinary club.

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