Thursday, September 2, 2010

Course Registration and Plans

Okayy so I registered for courses, all but one, and I might drop another one...
I can't get back into Sociology at the moment but I got back in my History course that I failed. Apparently I need the faculty's consent to get back into Sociology.
There are no courses I want to take. University is nothing like I thought it would be... I need to get out so after first semester I am going to work my butt off to pass those courses, and I am not coming back second semester.
I cannot do it. I am not smart enough for university, and like I said there is nothing I want to take.
I should have stuck to art, and what not but no. I just didn't know what I want to do. Life is confusing in that sense.
I am going to be helping out with the Japanese Society this year too.
The new Japanese students are here! I cannot wait to meet my Conversation partner on Monday. =D

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