Thursday, September 16, 2010

Week Two and I am Sooo Busy

I only have three course, so apparently that is enough to consider me a full time student. (Microeconomics, Intermediate Japanese, Asian History)
Even though I have only three classes I am busier than when I had five courses. I am betting it on the fact that my Asian History class, and my Intermediate Japanese are both second year courses. I am still considered first year because I do not have the credits to be a second year student since I failed the two courses. (Sociology, Asian History)
I probably will take Sociology next semester, I need to because I would feel better if I could get rid of all my failing marks. Then all I need is one more course.
I just finished my Microeconomics assignment due tomorrow. There was only one question I did not understand.
Also the other day when I walked to school in the pouring rain my books, most of them in my backpack are still wet, and that is really upsetting.

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