Sunday, September 19, 2010

An Evening Out

So tonight I went to Tim Horton's with a friend, and my conversation partner, and two of her friends. Once again it is still awkward. I cannot stand it.
The other two asked if I was from Canada too which was hilarious. One of them likes potatoes, but she can't eat them or something, and that was a good laugh too. They thought my high school friend was twenty.
I only usually go there for doughnuts, but tonight I had one of their sandwiches, it was good. :3
They are always scared to gain weight. There is nothing wrong with a little weight gain. Am I the only one looking to gain some weight here?
My friend dropped a piece of chicken right into my purse.
Apparently Wendy's gets busy. I wouldn't know that because I barely ever go there.
On other news, remember how I was hating on my life yesterday. I lost a friend, no biggie, I am a two-faced *****. Oh well. Life goes on, and it wouldn't be the first time either. At least that is one problem less to deal with. :D

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