Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Not Doing So Great in Class

So today I actually made it to my Microeconomics Tutorial Lab, no rain stopping me this week. I miss my tutorial leader from last year even though I could hardly understand him. I did really well with assignments, this year I got my first one back, I am not doing good in any of my classes because at the moment I am unwillingly being forced to attend this hell hole. I wrote my Beginner's Japanese mini review exam today, sat down in front of the test, and forgot everything. I mean I love Japanese but I am so miserable that I can't even remember any of the language.
Needless to say I also don't trust a few people, and they really don't understand my situation, I don't think anyone understands the gravity of my situation except for my few very close town friends, and my awesome friend in the next province.
Only three months, and one acceptance letter away from leaving this town.

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